How to Read Your
Gas or Electricity Meter
Your energy supplier relies on regular meter readings to accurately calculate your bills. Failure to provide readings may result in estimated bills, leading to inaccuracies in your charges. Here's how you can ensure accurate billing.
For Electric Meters
Standard Digital Meter
Example Reading is 23091.
Ignore any red numbers
Record the first 5 numbers shown from left to right
Two Rate Digital Meter
Example Reading is 72521(night) and 15068(day)
Provide both readings
For meters with more than one display, cycle through the readings to obtain both rates.
Two Rate Single Display Meter
Example Readings are 14072(night) and 16728(day).
Obtain both readings as indicated on the display.
For Gas Meters
Digital Metric Meter
Example: Reading is 00374.
Write down the first 5 numbers shown from left to right.
Ignore numbers after the decimal point.
Digital Imperial Meter
Example: Reading is 3070.
Write down the first 4 numbers from left to right.
Ignore numbers shown in red.
Dial Meter
Example: Reading is 7148.
Read the first 4 dials from left to right.
If the pointer is between two numbers, write down the lower number.
If it’s between 9 and 0, write down 9.
If the pointer is directly over a number, write down that number.
Remember, accurate readings mean accurate bills, so take a moment to give your supplier the lowdown on your energy usage. And hey, if you're lucky enough to have a smart meter, it might just do the job for you!